Map of Dean Highland Neighborhood

Ongoing Projects

Baylor Institute for Oral History

Dean Highland Edition

The neighborhood association in conjunction with Baylor University is working to interview people from our neighborhood to collect stories and history of the Dean Highland area. These recorded interviews will be preserved by the Texas collections at Baylor so that we can remember the people and history of this neighborhood for generations to come. If you would like to be interviewed, please contact Brandon Christensen.

For an detailed explanation of the project and more in-depth information, click here.

Historic Trolley Stop

We received a grant in 2023 from the City of Waco to improve the historic Trolley Stop on 28th and Trice. With this grant, we were able to put new benches in and a marker. In 2024, we have received another grant to place a historical marker at this location describing the trolly stop history. We plan to also invest in new landscaping at this spot.

Click here for more in-depth information on the history of the trolly stop and Dean Highland Neighborhood.

Advocating for a Park at

Old Hillcrest Site

Update from neighborhood meeting on 1/25/24: Darius Ewing, City Council District 4, announced that the old Hilcrest hospital lot is in an environmental study, but will likely become city property based on the findings from this 18-month study.

To contact our District 4 Representative, you can email him at

Past Projects

Dean Highland Neighborhood Signage

In 2021, the Dean Highland Neighborhood Association was awarded a grant from the city to hire a graphic designer to help us update our aging neighborhood signs. This project sought to enhance the visual appeal and community identity of the area.

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